This is first installment of our latest blog series. We want to give you all a little more detail about the events, people, and shows we host here at Music City Vintage! Our first series is about an artist that goes by the name of By.Jiggy. By.Jiggy is artist located here in Nashville, TN & is the owner of the brand Morning After The Rave.
We wanted to do a little Q&A to let our audience get to know more about the artist By.Jiggy and his latest series, L'amour A La Galerie! We wanted to ask him some simple and some in depth questions to understand By.Jiggy better as an artist and as a person.
My first question is simple, who is By.Jiggy?
By.Jiggy: My name, for those wondering, is Carson Stromen. By day I design clothes for my brand, Morning After the Rave, and by night, I am an aspiring artist of many forms including painting and music.
What interests you and what inspired you to get into the arts industry?
By.Jiggy: My interests are always changing as I progress through life, but I’d have to say right now my biggest interests would have to be music, fitness, reading, and adventuring with the people in my inner circle. As far as what brought me into the field of art, I’d have to say that I naturally have a burning passion in me to just create. I see this world around me and am constantly inspired to create from what I go through, see, and experience. It’s how I process everything that I go through, and I am beyond blessed to be able to make that my living.
What do you want your audience to feel when they gaze upon your work?
By.Jiggy: For me, art will forever and always be what you make it. It’s a way to take your experiences and make what you wish out of it. That being said, L’Amour A La Galerie developed from a place of love, and my own experience with being and losing love. Each piece was developed from different emotional sides of love, so I guess my answer would be: I want you to come out of the gallery with a better understanding of your own experiences with love. I’m not trying to change anyone’s life or way of thinking, my goal for anything I make is to make you think of your own experiences and process things in your own unique way. To have a better understanding of your own self in a way.
Where do you see yourself as an artist in the coming years?
By.Jiggy: The upcoming year is actually going to be a monumental one for me. In the next year, I will be switching brands and creating a new line under the By.Jiggy name. It’s time for me to progress into a higher-end space and design process with a full cut-and-sew line. On top of that, I will be releasing my first EP with music, and plan on developing many more projects with those closest to me. So my answer to your question would be that I am going to continue to follow the callings that God places in front of me and develop my craft as an artist.
For my final question, If you had to sum up with one word what you would want your audience to leave with, what would that word be and why?
By.Jiggy: Gratitude. I say that because I believe that with any good experience comes gratitude in the aftermath for having that experience. I want the audience to leave with not only a better understanding of themselves, if my art sparks that in them, but being grateful that they went and the memories that we all get to share with one another. It’s my greatest joy in life to be an artist and be able to share my work. I hope you enjoy.
Thank you so much for taking the time out your day to do this interview and we look forward to seeing the gallery on display on December 1st!
By Jiggy is presenting L'AMOUR A LA GALERIE at our first ever art show at Music City Vintage! Come shop personally with the artist and learn about each piece and shop an exclusive collection of clothing just for the event. We hope to see you there! You may RSVP by Clicking Here